Silk Road Professionals

Social Impact

Silk Road Professionals is passionate about giving back to our community!

In addition to the company initiatives listed below, each employee is encouraged to serve their community according to their individual giftings and interests.

Empowering Women in STEM

Our C# courses, offered in affiliation with the University of Central Asia, are empowering young women to build careers in STEM. 

Creating Equal Opportunities

In coordination with IT Run Kids’ Academy, low-income children and teenagers in the region have the opportunity to participate in a programming academy to learn valuable IT skills.

Training Young Developers

We partner with USAID, Coalition of Employees, and local universities to provide student internships that equip local youth with technical and vocational skills.

Breaking Cultural Barriers

Exchange opportunities between our Central Asian and Western offices deepen cultural ties and forge lasting friendships.

Meeting Practical Needs

Providing food to needy families during the holidays and sponsoring heart surgery for a local teen are just some of the ways our employees have addressed needs in our community.

Fostering Team Excellence

By providing workshops, seminars, online courses, and mentorship programs, we ensure our team has the latest skills and knowledge to excel in the evolving tech landscape.


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