Silk Road Professionals

Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes! All contracts are made with either SRP USA or SRP UK. All official responsibilities, both financial and legal, are held by these entities.  

Our teams have extensive backend experience using C# and .net for ERP systems. We also have many programmers skilled in cross-platform mobile development, cloud infrastructure and end-to-end solutions.   

We embrace Agile methodologies and have been using Scrum practices since 2014,  including sprint planning, daily standups, regular sprint reviews and team retrospectives. We also use collaborative project management tools that enable real-time communication, task tracking, and progress monitoring.  

Striving for code quality is at our core. We use multiple types of test automation and follow the Four Eyes Principle, ensuring that all code is checked by another team member before being merged.  

We regularly review our work for areas of improvement, including communication. Emails usually get a response in 1 business day, while comments on messaging apps often receive a reply almost immediately.  

All payments are made directly to our US or UK offices. This minimizes risk for our clients by ensuring that you will never have to send money abroad.   

Yes, a project manager and a QA tester can easily be included on your team of programmers.  

Yes, all of our software developers can communicate in English. In fact, our team’s excellent communication skills are one of the traits which our clients and foreign visitors value most about us.    

We believe in maintaining strong working relationships. We have both sent team leads from Central Asia to meet with our clients abroad and welcomed clients to our head office in Central Asia.

Depending on our client’s preference, we can either provide deployment and monitoring or leave maintenance to our client after development.

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